1:1 Teacher Training Strategies

As we transition to include high school in the 1:1 program next year, we are trying to motivate teachers to increase their technology skills while exploring ways to integrate their students' laptop tools into their classroom.

One method is to mandate teacher training which may result in a negative response from the teachers and thus a poor start to the program.

The other way is to motivate the teachers to attend training seminars on their own free will.

One method guarantees all teachers will receive training while the other focuses on self initiative and teacher driven.

Our school is using the teacher driven method at this point and our principal put together an incentive program to start:

T4: Teachers Teaching Teachers Technology

The Program:
From June 6 to June 8, teachers can sign up for anywhere from one-half day to three days of technology professional development that will be offered at school. In-house trainers will be available to guide teachers in up to eighteen hours of personal instruction in technology.

How do you know what it is you need to know?
Participants will fill out an inventory well in advance of the meeting dates so that (1) we can connect the right tech leaders with the right teachers, and (2) we can group teachers for learning that will be efficacious for all.

Why should you attend?
• An opportunity for personalized professional growth

• The summer ahead gives time to experiment with your new skills

• A light breakfast and a lunch provided for all participants

• Costco Gift Certificates of between 50,000 and 100,000krw for teachers who complete between nine (1.5 days) and eighteen hours (3 days) of the PD instruction

• We want people to be connected with the right tech tools for them, and we want those people to have time for implementation in front of a professional who can guide and advise.

• You may opt in for as little as a half-day session.

• CEUs awarded

The more participants we have, the more prepared we are for the transition, the more growth we will see in tech readiness.

What is the Goal?
The goal is for the staff to grow in preparedness for the 1:1 program. We aim to give teachers every possible opportunity to grow and learn. At the same time, members of elementary middle school staff can join the program as space permits.