Dissertation Development

After I finished my Master's in Technology & Business education, I spent the last five years taking courses in my PhD track. What a journey! I have just completed the first semester of the dissertation phase and my topic on the digital footprint has taken on the recent mold summary. I still feel my topic is broad and looking for ways to cut it down to something even more specific within the whole:

Job changeover is increasing among many fields and an individual holds a position for only 4.1 years on average. Technology is constantly evolving while impacting the methods of businesses and society. Strategies must be taught to students to help them prepare for the today's job application process while marketing themselves. The increasing trend among hiring managers is to consider a job applicant's digital footprint which is found through searches on the Internet. A potential job applicant's public presence online can be an advantage if he or she upholds a strong and positive existence but can also be a disadvantage if the footprint is not monitored and maintained.

Teachers are integrating technology more than ever before while teaching students various Internet applications and web 2.0 tools to build a personal learning network. Although, many educators are not specifically preparing students for their career and teaching them how to build an attractive digital footprint, which can be most beneficial when started early. This study will investigate which online applications are most attractive and effective for students attempting to build a positive digital footprint to help them in applying for jobs while advising teachers on applicable teaching content.

3 responses
Personally I think this is a very very narrow view of the digital footprint - as it is only the aspect that is about what you say about yourself.

As a focus I would focus on how to close the loop. collect data, store data, analyse data, create value, measure and refine by feedback. The feedback is not understood. Is it a classic engineers closed loop negative feedback model, but of what order and how does it change depending on what the topic/ theme is.

If not that - then another big issue is what is creepy and what is the effect of creating a digital you based on your patterns rather than what you want to say, and if this builds to create an identity what would people think and how is that effected by geography


Tony : http://blog.mydigitalfootprint.com

It'll be interesting to see how all this pans out for the upcoming generations. Many people, young and old, recreate themselves - whether through a lifestyle change, a career change, or physically relocating and starting over. What digital crumbs will be left behind to negate that option? Is it already happening? [yes imo]

Today's students, as tech-savvy as they're claimed to be, often seem to be oblivious to this fact - that what they're doing, posting, and photographing will live on well after they've moved on to other phases in their life.

I like how you've taken a positive spin on this and will provide tools and advice on how to best positively leave a trace for their future. All too often I think we do tend to stress the negative and fear-monger side of digital footprints [although that's an absolutely valid perspective as well]. I would think potential employers would be weary of someone with very little digital history. Helping students to build up a positive 'portfolio' (whether that means an actual portfolio or a history of blogs, photos, tweets, etc) is something all educators and parents should be knowledgeable of.

Looking forward to seeing more of your writing on this topic.


Doing a research is a mind-numbing work & I feel it strongly that my research is complete with this place.
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